President Michael opened the meeting.

Invocation by Paul Turner.

Coral Sheehan introduced our guests which were: Piers Evans, our outbound student to Finland from 2005-2006, Alex Prinzen, the outbound student from the Ingersoll Rotary club going to Finland, William Prinzen, father of Alex and Vicki Davey, from the Woodstock Hospital Foundation.

After the meal Piers spoke briefly about what he has been doing since he returned from Finland, he attended some semesters at college, returned to Finland for 4 weeks to see his host families and friends, Had an excellent time there and this summer is of to South Africa to see some Exchange students he met in his year in Finland. At the moment Piers is working at the new restaurant Bronson(old Copa cabana).

President Michael called for nominations from the floor for the 3rd week in a row, no new nominations were made. The persons nominated and letting their name stand are Paul Leroy, Rama Murthi and Jantine Stam, all for Director and Erik Tremblay and Wim Duizer for President elect.

The Annual General Meeting will be on April 2 2008 at our normal wednesday eve. meeting when the elections will be held.

Peter Van Wees introduced our Speaker for this evening was Vicki Davey from the Woodstock Hospital Foundation, she explained what is happening at the moment and how they hope things will move on.



Things have changed a bit since 2003-2004, right now there is a new and improved plan for 2008 which includes a extra wing, which means more beds.

Please click on or copy and paste this web address below into your browser and when you are in the site, please click on "woodstock hospital foundation" after that you can click on New Hospital and read all about the improvements which Vicky explained to us at the meeting.

Paul Turner thanked Vicki for a job well done, not just the presentation but also all the work she and other people have put into the project.

Paul Bradford presented a cheque for $13,000.00 to Vicky for the Woodstock Hospital Foundation to be used as our final payment towards the $50,000.00 pledge the Woodstock-Oxford Rotary Club had made to build the new hospital.

Erik reminded everyone that the Rotary Fish Fry is coming up (April 12) and asked if we could all make an efford to sell the tickets, sales are going well. WDDS (Woodstock District Developmental Services) is our partner this year and they are running the silent auction, which looks very promising. They already have several larger items that are donated by businesses, like a flat screen tv, a couch, etc.  WDDS is receiving most of the proceeds from the silent auction, so in a way the Rotary Club is creating an avenue for WDDS to raise money for their needy projects, thank you all for supporting this.