Presiding: President Mike Sheehan

Team#3 was responsible for this evening

Introduction: Paul Bradford

Thanks: Wim Duizer

Attendance/Greetings: Peter van Wees

Sergeant at Arms: Erik Tremblay

Guests: Klaas Dekker and guest speaker Peter Overgauw


Present: Rama Murthi, Erik Tremblay, Tim Koetsier, Mike Sheehan, Norm Narancsik, Keith Sherman, Wim Duizer, Peter VanWees, Gibby Bernath, Paul Bradford, Paul Leroy, Paul Turner and Jack Bingham.



When our finemaster Eric hit the floor there were two happy bucks. One from Rama for working 10 years at Frank Cowan insurance and Paul Bradford for starting a Edward Jones franchise 10 years ago.
Guest speaker Peter Overgauw is the owner of a company called Paul Davis systems with offices in Brantford and Woodstock. This company is a restoration specialist in water damages. Peter himself lives in Beachville.
His company works in Brant and Oxford County. This evening Peter informed us about a new form of drying he can offer. This system is called 'Dry Smart System' and it is based on convection heat drying (in Ontario only 13 out of 300 contractors use this system). Traditional companies use dehumidification.
The 'Dry Smart System' is on a trailer unit which can be located close to object that has to be dried. It runs on 115 V and a propane system for the heat (250,000 BTU furnace). By heating up the object the water starts evaporating (Every 10 degrees Celsius more doubles the evaporation). The warm wet air is sucked outside by a return duct.
The trailers can store propane in 4 containers (100 lbs each)  for 35 hours. The trailer rent is around $ 2,000 per day.
Peter van Wees asked how you can prevent mould growth. Mould requires 60 % humidity to grow and the temperature needs to be high enough. Dry down as soon as possible. By drying down quickly there is hardly any damage to the home. Here is the win situation for the insurance company. Also for the home owner this is a fast solution to his problem. For Peter this system works for him 24 hours a day. He doesn't need any hired labour.  Of course there are situation that there is to much damage and everything has to be replaced.
For drying and keeping a dry house in general air movement is very good. Each house should have ceiling fans is Peter's advice.
all the work he has comes in through the insurance companies. The average claim is around $ 11,000.
President Mike gave an update on the Christmas Party. Norm is looking after this. Jack offered to host the party. It will be a 'pot luck' dinner with BYOD.
Norm gives a update on the dictionaries. 262 dictionaries are distributed to all the schools in Oxford county. There are 22 left. Those will be given to the Mennonite schools.