The meeting commenced at 6:35 pm with President Peter Stam presiding

Notes from President:

  • Letter received from Piers.  Having a great time.  Busy all the time.  Taking dance lessons in school.  This recent letter will be posted on the Spoke for everyone's reading enjoyment.  We receive a letter from him about every two weeks.
  • International Convention in Chicago: Ted Turner speaking on taking 5% of military budget from the United States which would eliminate world hunger.  Letter read by Peter.  Disappointment with the reaction of some attendees (walked out).  Can never understand or appreciate ones point of view by walking out. 
  • New Member Proposal: Wim Duizer, being proposed by Peter Stam.  New members need to be presented to the board for a period of 3 weeks prior to finalizing membership.  Anyone having any objections to this proposed new member please advise Peter in writing.
  • Mexico Project: Peter distributed cover letter and description of project that is being proposed by Terry Hemsworth.  We will clarify our financial commitment for the project and present it at the next meeting.  In the interim, members were asked to review the project.

Garry Honcoop, chair of the Fish Fry Committee asked committee members to stay for a meeting after the Rotary Meeting.

Michael Sheehan presented the roster of upcoming Bingos.  We are starting with 7 bingos.  Mike will clarify the exact times.  Recommended we visit the Bingo Hall to update ourselves on things that have changed.

Doug Vincent reported on his recent trip to Mexico.  Encourage everyone to consider participating in the Shoe Box exchange program next year.  Wonderful project year this year.  Raised substantial funds at the conference and cash donations from other Rotarians.  Unfortunately ran short of about 100 boxes.  Individual Rotarians of our club supported the program through the purchase of ties but did not, as a club, provide any financial support for this program.  Garry suggested that the Board consider providing some financial support for this program next year.  Doug reported on the equipment we are funding for the school in Mexico.  Exciting presentation including parents and other local officials and Rotarians.  Presented Doug with a carving in recognition of our assistance and support.  Doug provided history of carving and presented the carving to Peter on behalf of our friends in Mexico.  Encouraged members to take advantage of opportunity to go to Mexico.

January is Crime Stoppers month.  Our guest speakers this evening are Mike Hanna and Bob MacDonald.    Mike and Bob are co-coordinators of the program in Oxford.   Main goal is to keep crime off the streets. Police are not involved in program but are very supportive of it.  Is a great tool to help decrease crime or intervene before crime occurs.  Crime Stoppers are celebrating their 30 year anniversary.  Program started in Oxford in 1991.  Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization.  Crime Stoppers also has a separate group of students working through the schools. Program empowers students to take care of their school environment. There are now 1000 programs running worldwide.  Since 1991 recovered approximately 7 million in narcotics in Oxford.  Most people who call in do not want reward and don't want to get involved.  About 60% of tipsters are good citizens.  Have paid out approximately $56,000 in rewards. Average of 300 tips per year. 

Coral asked everyone to take a copy of the revised classification lists.  This is an excellent source for recruiting new members.


The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

 Recording Secretary:  Coral Sheehan