Presiding: President Peter Stam
Attendance: Ilene Buchanan, Peter Van Wees

Invocation: Coral Sheehan

Sargeant at Arms:  Paul Bradford

Introductions:   Erik Tremblay

Thank Yous -  Garry Honcoop

Present: Michael Sheehan, Norm Naranscik, John Garton, Coral Sheehan, Gibson Bernath, Paul Turner, Peter VanWees, Keith Sherman, Ilene Buchanan, Terry Hemsworth, Paul Bradford, Erik Tremblay, Garry Honcoop.

Guests: Rosemary George, Doug Reinhart

Guest Speaker:Don Martin, Heart FM


Rotary Medals John Garton: June 7th.  Will be downstairs at the Quality Inn.  Will be $19.00 pp.  Need to confirm numbers.  Students will be invited as in past years. 

Silent Auction: Results presented for this year.  All monies have been collected.

Sargeant at Arms -  Paul collected happy bucks and levied fines where appropriate.

Don Martin provided a brief overview of his background.  He has had 30 years of radio experience and is a strong believer in community radio.    In a community like Woodstock we can't afford to just play music - it is important to talk about what is going on in the community.  He believes in doing things in the community that are lasting.  Don came to Heart FM out of retirement.  He had retired two years ago.  Heart FM has incredible team of people from all over the world.  Their focus is to put community radio back in Woodstock.  The team is learning about the community.  The studio on Norwich Avenue has state of the art equipment.  They are committed to what is going on here and to being a part of it.  It is a work in progress.  The target market is 35+ females.  Brad Jansen shares the morning show with Don three days a week.  Brad has a wealth of information about Woodstock and is a tremendous asset.  Don emphasized the use of the website as a way of posting events and letting the community know what is going on.

Next Week: Barry Howie,  Rotary Foundation Chair

Wine Education Evening on May 5th and June 16th at South Gate Centre.  Limited to 60 participants.  Will be a good evening.  Tickets are $30.00 per person.  Contact Paul or Coral for tickets.

Next Bingo: May 25th.  Paul will call the crew and remind them.  It is your responsibility to find a replacement if you can't make it.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 pm