Presiding - President Paul Bradford

Sargeant at Arms - Terry Hemsworth

Invocation - Terry Hemsworth

Greeting/Attendance - Peter Stam, Peter VanWees


Present:  Gibson Bernath, Ilene Buchanan, Wim Duizer, Steve Halyk, Rama Murthi, Keith Sherman, Coral Sheehan, Mike Sheehan, Erik Tremblay


Terry Hemsworth spoke to the club about the annual shoebox program and Rotary's commitment to support this project again.  He encouraged members to make their donations so that funds could be forwarded in time for Christmas.


Peter Stam reported that the committee has completed interviewing for the outbound exchange student.  The committee is recommending approval of Jordan Bryson.


Michael Sheehan reminded everyone of the upcoming Bingo's on November 16th and November 19th.


Michael Sheehan, on behalf of Norm Narancsik presented two projects requests from the Oxford Community Police Services.  Police services are seeking sponsorship/donations for a) Promoting Sober Saver Card (discounts) and Christmas Wish for Children.  These items will be forwarded to the Executive for further deliberation.


Paul Bradford has received a request from Robin Farrell (Woodstock Club) seeking our participation in manning the Salvation Army Kettles instead of donating money.  This item will be discussed at the Executive.  Paul asked members to forward their comments to him.


Paul Bradford called the Annual Meeting to order at 7:25 pm.


  1. The audited financial statements for 2005/2006 were presented by Garry Honcoop.  It was noted that the $1500 shortfall on the income statement was directly attributable to meal costs vs income received from members for meals. 


Steven Halyk thanked Garry Honcoop, John Garten and Michael Sheehan for their effort in maintaining good, accurate reporting.  He noted that auditing the books for the last year was easy and a pleasure.


It was moved by Michael Sheehan, seconded by Terry Hemsworth that the audited financial statements for 2005/2006 be approved as presented.



  1. Paul Bradford opened the floor for nominations for the position of President Elect.  Peter Stam nominated Coral Sheehan who respectfully declined.  Steve Halyk nominated Norm Narancsik who was not present at the meeting.  Norm's name will be presented for three consecutive meetings.


  1. Paul Bradford opened the floor for nominations for three board executives for a 2 year term 2007 - 2009.


Rama Murthi nominated Erik Tremblay who agreed to allow his name to stand.

Steve Halyk nominated Wim Duizer who will consider allowing his name to stand.


Terry Hemsworth requested direction from the club regarding international projects (World Community Service).  Following discussion there was concensus to continue to support these types of projects.  It was agreed that money received from the Toy Auction be allocated to International projects which is approximately $3,000.  This item will be incorporated as part of the budget discussion.  It was further agreed that the proposed projects must come before the club for consideration before a commitment to the project is made.


Coral Sheehan nominated Steve Halyk and Rama Murthi as the club's internal auditors for the upcoming year.


Rama Murthi noted that historically the club always contributed $100 US on behalf of the President towards Paul Harris in addition to the club's agreement to use money raised at the silent auction for Rotary Foundation.  Wording regarding the amount per member approved last year will be researched and reported back to the club.


It was then moved by Keith Sherman that the annual meeting of the WoodstockOxford Rotary Club adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 7:55.