The meeting was presided by President Norm Narancsik.

Attendance:   Jantine, Norm, Paul L, Paul B, Peter VW, John, Rama, Coral, Mike, Paul T, Doug

Guests:  Tom Hempsworth, and our guest speaker Brittany Theis

Norm started our meeting with some requests from members of our community. 
We'd also like to thank everyone who helped make the Scot's visit a success.  They seemed to have a great time here in Oxford County, and all those who hosted a Scot and drove them around deserve a big thanks. 

Guest Speaker:   Our guest speaker tonight was Brittany Theis.  Brittany is the Program Co-Ordinator of Are-U-Ready, Adaptive Recreation Equipment.


Are-U-Ready is a free of charge adapted recreation equipment load program availabl to the residents of Oxford County.  Are-U-Ready supports inclusive active living.  Their Participation Packs are completely portable, to encourage use not only at home but in school, with friends and with family.

They have ice sledges which come in a variety of styles and sizes in order to suit the needs of all those who use them.  They also come with wheel attachments if you wanted to take it off the ice.

Are-U-Ready'sadapted bikes include a hand pedaled bike, a side by side bike and two different styles of recumbent root pedaled bikes for complete support while riding.  These bikes are available to be borrowed for 3 or even 4 weeks at a time. 

Their life jackets come in a variety of sizes.  Their styles have different supports depending on the user.  Other adapted recreation equipment that they have available for load includes an indoor boccia set, adapted fishing and golfing equipment.

Last year they started a sledge hockey league in Tillsonburg, and this year one began in Woodstock.  Brittany coaches both these teams in her spare time. 

This program is supported by many groups in our community.  A few of them are:  WDDS, Board of Health, YMCA and Thames Valley School Board.  People from these groups also sit on the board to make decisions and work together to make Are-U-Ready a success.

We'd like to thank Brittany for coming out and showing us what members of our community are doing to help others.  This is a great loan program that makes it a little less costly for others to join in regular activities that we take for granted.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.