The Toy Auction was a great success again, we started setting up Friday evening and finished with some late comers Saturday Morning.
There was a 30% increase in toys, so it made it for a long auction.
We also had more people in the audiance(buyers and lookers)that registered and from several people we heard that there is only one good Toy Auction and that is ours and they did not want to miss it

Total Sales for 2007 $24,221.00 for 2006 $18,821.00
Rotary's part 2007 $6,083.00 for 2006 $4,404.38
These are not net figures, we still have to pay some bills, but as you can see there is a great increase in our income.
A special thanks go out to all people (Rotarians and Rotarian friends)that in one way or another helped out to make this Toy Auction a great success.
Without you it would not have been possible.
There will be a more up to date report to follow.
Thank you,
Rick and Peter.